Building a Modern Marketing Strategy for Your Family Business

Jun 26, 2024

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
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Building a Modern Marketing Strategy for Your Family Business


Hey there, are you taking over a family business? Well I know how your feeling I had to help my siblings take over a 40 year old family real estate and construction business. So, you’re probably thinking about giving your family business a “modern marketing” makeover and get some leads going besides just referrals? Fantastic idea! In today’s fast-paced digital world, adapting your marketing strategy is crucial to staying competitive and connecting with your audience. This guide will walk you through everything you need to build a robust, modern marketing strategy that honors your business’s legacy while embracing the future.

Modernizing our family business wasn’t just about embracing new technologies; it was about staying true to our roots while connecting with our customers in ways we never imagined possible.”Matt Bertram

1. Understanding the Need for Modern Marketing

Let’s face it: the marketing landscape has changed drastically. Gone are the days when word-of-mouth and local ads were enough. Today, your customers are online, and that’s where you need to be too. Modern marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity. By embracing digital tools and strategies, you can reach a broader audience, engage with customers in real-time, and drive significant growth.

SWOT Analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

2. Setting Clear Objectives

First things first: what do you want to achieve? Setting clear, SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) is essential. Maybe you’re aiming for a 20% increase in online sales, or perhaps you want to boost brand awareness in a new market. Whatever your goals, ensure they align with your business’s core values and long-term vision.

3. Understanding Your Target Audience

Who are your customers? Understanding your target audience is crucial for crafting effective marketing messages. Conduct market research to gather insights about your customers’ demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Create detailed buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. This helps tailor your marketing efforts to meet their specific needs and desires.

4. Crafting a Unique Value Proposition

What makes your family business special? Your unique value proposition (UVP) is what sets you apart from the competition. It’s the reason customers should choose you over others. Identify the unique qualities and values of your business and communicate them clearly and compellingly. Whether it’s exceptional craftsmanship, a rich heritage, or outstanding customer service, let your UVP shine through in all your marketing efforts.

5. Building a Comprehensive Online Presence

In today’s digital age, your online presence is your storefront. A professional, user-friendly website is non-negotiable. Ensure your site is optimized for search engines (SEO) to increase visibility. Invest in a responsive design that looks great on all devices. Additionally, establish a strong presence on social media platforms where your target audience hangs out. Engage with followers by sharing valuable content, responding to comments, and fostering a sense of community.

Social Media Platforms, mobile marketing

6. Leveraging Content Marketing

Content is king, and it’s a powerful tool for building trust and authority. Create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. This could be blog posts, videos, infographics, or podcasts. Focus on providing value—educate, entertain, and inspire your audience. Effective content marketing not only attracts potential customers but also keeps them coming back for more.

7. Utilizing Email Marketing

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Building an email list allows you to communicate directly with your customers. Craft engaging email campaigns that offer value—think exclusive discounts, helpful tips, and personalized recommendations. Use email automation to nurture leads and maintain consistent communication with your audience.

8. Investing in Paid Advertising

To accelerate your growth, consider investing in paid advertising. Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on platforms like Google Ads can drive immediate traffic to your website. Social media ads on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow you to target specific demographics and interests. Retargeting ads help re-engage visitors who’ve shown interest but haven’t converted yet.

Example image of what our Analytics Audits look like

9. Analyzing and Adjusting Your Strategy

No marketing strategy is complete without analyzing its performance. Use tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions. Conduct A/B testing to determine what works best. Regularly review your strategy and make adjustments based on data and feedback. Remember, continuous improvement is the key to long-term success.

Quick Story

In a small town in Texas, a family-owned plumbing business had been a trusted name for over five decades. Founded in the 1970s, the company was known for its reliable service, skilled craftsmanship, and personal touch. But as time passed, the business faced new challenges. With the rise of digital technology and evolving customer expectations, it became clear that the company needed to modernize to remain competitive.

The current owner, Mike, who had recently taken over from his grandfather, was determined to honor the family legacy while embracing the future. That’s when he reached out to me for help with a digital transformation strategy. Our journey together was not just about implementing new tools but about preserving the heart and soul of the business while opening new doors to growth and connection.

Step 1: Understanding the Vision

When I first met with Mike, he shared his deep love for the family business and his desire to keep its reputation intact. We discussed his goals: increasing service requests, reaching a wider audience, and making operations more efficient without losing the personal touch that customers loved.

Step 2: Building an Online Presence

The first major step was to build a comprehensive online presence. We created a professional, user-friendly website that showcased the company’s story, services, and values. High-quality photos of the team at work and customer testimonials were featured prominently. We also added an online booking system, making it easier for customers to schedule services.

Step 3: Engaging on Social Media

Next, we focused on social media. We set up profiles on Facebook and Instagram, where we could engage with the community and reach potential customers. Mike began sharing tips on home maintenance, behind-the-scenes looks at projects, and stories of satisfied customers. The response was fantastic; the business’s follower count grew, and so did community engagement.

Step 4: Leveraging Email Marketing

To maintain a personal connection with customers, we introduced email marketing. We built an email list through the website and service calls. Monthly newsletters featured updates, special offers, and helpful home maintenance tips. This kept customers informed and made them feel valued.

Step 5: Implementing Data Analytics

Finally, we introduced data analytics to track the success of our efforts. By analyzing website traffic, social media engagement, and service bookings, we refined our strategies and made informed decisions. This analytical approach helped Mike see tangible results and adapt quickly to customer needs.

The Result: A Thriving Business

Within a year, the plumbing business saw remarkable growth. Online bookings became a significant part of operations, attracting customers from neighboring towns. Social media buzz brought in new clients eager to experience the renowned service. Service requests increased, but more importantly, the company’s reputation for personal, reliable service remained stronger than ever.

Mike often shared that the digital transformation was not just about modernizing the business but about ensuring it could continue to serve the community for generations to come. The blend of tradition and innovation had not only preserved the family legacy but had also paved the way for a bright future.


And there you have it—a short guide to building a modern marketing strategy for your family business. By embracing digital tools and strategies, you can connect with your audience in new and meaningful ways, driving growth and ensuring your business thrives for generations to come. So, what are you waiting for? Start your marketing makeover today!

Final Thoughts

I hope you found this guide helpful! Modernizing your family business’s marketing strategy is a journey, but it’s one worth taking. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences, please leave a comment below. Let’s keep the conversation going and support each other in our business endeavors!

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