Geofencing for Targeted Marketing: Enhancing Storytelling Across Multiple Platforms

Oct 1, 2024

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.

Geofencing for Targeted Marketing: Using Location Data to Enhance Storytelling Across Platforms

In the age of digital marketing, capturing the attention of consumers has become more challenging than ever. With so many brands vying for attention, personalization has become a necessity, not a luxury. Geofencing, a technology that uses location data to trigger specific marketing actions, offers businesses the ability to create highly targeted and personalized experiences for their audiences. What makes geofencing even more powerful is its ability to enhance storytelling across multiple platforms, creating seamless and engaging customer journeys.

In this blog, we will explore how businesses can use geofencing to deliver relevant and engaging narratives based on a user’s location and how this storytelling can continue across different digital channels.

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a location-based technology that allows businesses to create a virtual perimeter around a specific geographic area. When a user enters or exits this defined area, it triggers a pre-set action, such as sending a notification, email, or ad to that user’s device.

Geofencing relies on technologies like GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth to track a user’s location and respond in real-time. Businesses can use this technology to target customers in specific locations, such as near their store, at a competitor’s business, or in high-traffic areas relevant to their brand.

How Geofencing Enhances Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool that helps brands connect emotionally with their audience. With geofencing, businesses can use a customer’s location to make their stories more relevant, timely, and engaging. Here’s how:

1. Personalized, Location-Based Stories

The key to effective storytelling is making it personal. Geofencing allows businesses to tailor their messages based on the user’s physical location. For example, a retail brand can create location-specific narratives, such as promoting beachwear to customers near a coastal area or offering exclusive discounts to people near a store.

By using location data, businesses can craft stories that speak directly to a user’s current context. This level of personalization makes the story more relevant and engaging, increasing the likelihood that the user will take action.

2. Real-Time Engagement

Geofencing operates in real-time, meaning that businesses can engage customers at the moment they are most likely to respond. For instance, a restaurant can send a special offer to users who are within a mile of their location during lunch hours, capitalizing on immediate needs or desires.

Real-time engagement enables businesses to tell timely stories that align with the customer’s immediate environment, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

3. Cross-Platform Continuity

While geofencing is often associated with mobile notifications, it can also be part of a broader cross-platform storytelling strategy. Once a customer interacts with a location-based notification or offer, the story can continue across other digital platforms.

For example:

  • Social Media: After a geofenced offer is triggered, the customer can receive follow-up ads on platforms like Facebook or Instagram that expand on the story, driving deeper engagement.
  • Email Marketing: Businesses can use geofencing to trigger personalized emails. For example, a user who visits a specific store location may receive an email later that day with complementary product recommendations or a post-visit discount.
  • Website Retargeting: After interacting with a location-based ad or notification, businesses can retarget customers with relevant stories through display ads, continuing the conversation across desktop or mobile web.

This continuity across platforms ensures that the brand story doesn’t end when the customer leaves the geofenced area. Instead, it follows them, reinforcing the narrative and driving the customer toward conversion.

Examples of Geofencing in Multiplatform Storytelling

Let’s look at a few examples of how brands can use geofencing to enhance storytelling across platforms.

1. Retail: Creating a Unified Shopping Experience

A fashion retailer can use geofencing to target customers near their physical stores with notifications about new collections or in-store promotions. Once a customer enters the store, the narrative continues through personalized in-app offers or product suggestions. After the visit, the brand can follow up with social media ads that feature related products or push notifications about items the customer browsed.

This creates a unified shopping experience, from the initial geofenced notification to post-visit engagement, driving brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

2. Hospitality: Enhancing the Customer Journey

A hotel chain can use geofencing to welcome guests as they arrive on the property, offering room upgrades or discounts on dining experiences. After the guest interacts with the geofenced offer, the hotel can continue the story by sending follow-up emails with additional offers for nearby attractions.

Social media ads can also retarget guests during their stay, promoting experiences they haven’t yet explored. Once they leave, the story can continue with offers for their next trip, tying the customer journey together across multiple platforms.

3. Restaurants: Driving Foot Traffic with Real-Time Offers

A local restaurant can use geofencing to send lunch or dinner specials to users within a specific radius of their location. After a user interacts with the offer, the restaurant can follow up with personalized email offers for future visits or send notifications promoting new menu items.

The brand can continue the story on social media by sharing user-generated content, like photos of the customer’s meal, creating a sense of community and brand loyalty.

Benefits of Using Geofencing for Multiplatform Storytelling

  1. Increased Relevance: By tailoring stories to the user’s physical location, geofencing helps businesses deliver content that feels personalized and relevant, driving higher engagement.
  2. Real-Time Impact: Geofencing enables businesses to capture the customer’s attention at the moment they are most likely to act, making stories more timely and effective.
  3. Cross-Platform Continuity: The ability to extend the narrative across platforms ensures that the brand story remains top of mind, increasing the chances of conversion and building customer loyalty.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: When done correctly, geofencing enhances the customer experience by delivering personalized, context-driven stories that resonate with users, leading to stronger connections and increased brand loyalty.


Geofencing is a powerful tool that allows businesses to use location data to create personalized, relevant, and timely stories. By combining geofencing with a multiplatform storytelling strategy, brands can engage customers across various digital touchpoints, creating a seamless and cohesive journey that keeps customers coming back.

By understanding the power of location-based marketing and its ability to enhance storytelling across platforms, businesses can create more meaningful connections with their audience, driving engagement, conversions, and long-term loyalty.